“We found ourselves on manufacturer-imposed allocations and restrictions so severe that we literally were facing critical levels of supplies. During my career I have faced similar events, but all for short periods. This was much different and unprecedented. We were forced to turn to the international marketplace learning how to buy through international brokers from several countries. Business rules changed. Traditional shipping and buying disappeared. We were forced to buy [way beyond our] normal volumes with upfront payment terms, nebulous shipping, and almost always sight un-seen. We were never physically designed to take massive, palletized shipments in single large deliveries. We turned to our friends and business partners at Pillow Logistics. Without hesitation, delay of any kind you and your team stepped up and provided us the warehousing and delivery support we could not supply on our own. Had it not been for your support and service then and now, our exemplary support to our front-line heroes and our patients would certainly have taken a completely different path. . . Thank you. . . I encourage other organizations to follow our success and join the Pillow Logistics customer following.